Tag Archives: what do I need life insurance for
Life insurance an additional asset class

Life Insurance: An Additional Asset Class

Back in a January 11, 2009 Palm Beach Daily News, an article by R. Marshall Jones, JD, CLU, ChFC titled “Life Insurance: An Additional Asset Class in Difficult Times,” the author makes the following observations about whole life (or permanent) insurance companies in the wake of the 2008’s economic turmoil: “Fortunately, the life insurance industry [...]

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a legacy of love video #1 reason to own life insurance why should i own life insurance

The #1 Reason to Own Life Insurance

Here at Life Insurance Think Tank our primary goal is to educate you on all aspects of Life Insurance. Today we’d like to share an excellent short video from the non-profit organization Life and Health Insurance Foundation for Education (LIFE). With the number of families in the nation that don’t have life insurance (or don’t have [...]

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