What can I do with the cash in my Life Insurance Policy?
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, couples at the age of 65 have a 50% chance of living to 92 years of age. In order to have enough resources to take care of one’s medical and recreational needs advanced preparation must take place.
Furthermore, many statistics indicate that 54% of Americans have less than $25,000 in savings and investments.1 As you can imagine, even with Social Security income, these people will soon outlive their savings and become impoverished. Some advisors recommend that someone who is working to begin saving at least 8-12 times current salary for retirement. Then make sure they’ve saved at least eight times their final salary in order to retire at 67 years old.2
So how can a permanent life insurance policy help in advanced planning?
The cash value in your life insurance policy is your money. You can take it out as a TAX-FREE loan. There are some concerns by doing this, but if created correctly in the first place, this can become an additional source of income during your retirement years.
So who do you talk to for more information about setting this up correctly? Retirement Life Solutions Specialists are advisors who can help you plan to use life insurance for other things than just the beneficiary’s life insurance payment. They can show you how to fund a life insurance policy to help pay for children’s college, large purchases without borrowing from your bank, starting a business, and retiring on your own terms.
How can I help pay for my kids college education?
Most parents would rather their children not have to work their way through college or have large loans to pay off when they graduate. A permanent life insurance policy correctly set up to build cash value can be used for college expenses. When the child enters college the policy owner can take a TAX-FREE loan from their insurance policy each year to pay for some or all of the annual expenses.
During this time, they should continue to pay the monthly premiums as well as the loan back. By paying the loan back they are paying the principal and interest into their own cash account not the bank or lender who they might have had to take a loan from. This continues to rebuild and grow the cash value in the insurance policy for future use.
Other mid-life uses
The policy owner can also use their cash value for other large purchases rather than borrowing from a lender and paying interest. Buying a car, down payment on a home, or other large purchases is easily done by borrowing from the insurance policy. How about starting a business? The policy owner can borrow from the cash value of their life insurance policy and quickly access startup capital. Did you know that a few famous entrepreneurs – Walt Disney and Ray Kroc – used this exact method to start up Disneyland and McDonald’s?
Using life insurance in retirement
The use of a permanent life insurance cash value accumulation to add to other retirement savings can make perfect sense. If a policy owner has done a good job building up their nest egg of cash over many years they have more flexibility to use this as an extra source of funds. These funds have grown tax-deferred and now can be borrowed as a TAX-FREE loan to supplement monthly income as needed. More importantly, at this point there is no rule that you have to pay the money back into the insurance policy. Finally when the policy owner dies, there still is a life insurance benefit paid to the family for protecting their family.
The best time to begin funding a permanent life insurance policy is as young as possible. However, at just about any age there are numerous ways to buy a permanent life insurance policy and still take advantage of this benefit. Talk with your Retirement Life Solutions Specialist about your family’s specific situation. They can educate you on the best choices available today.
1 Brandon, Emily “Planning to Retire” U.S. News & World Report | Money, 10 February 2011, Accessed February 7, 2013
2 CNBC Online, “Think Magic Numbers (Plural!) for Retirement Savings” cnbc.com, 25 October 2012, Accessed February 7, 2013.
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